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Arts & Sciences: General Education Classes

Nursing Is an Art & a Science

Nourish your ability to reason, think critically, and uncover solutions.

Choose a college focused purely on nursing. At Galen College of Nursing, your curriculum includes the Arts & Sciences classes (aka, General Education) that support a nurse’s professional growth.

You take these courses alongside nursing courses. They are part of what registered nurses are expected to know, so we build them into all ADN & BSN degree programs.

Develop as a Nurse

The robust A&S Department has a mission to broaden your education beyond what is predictable. In your gen eds, you develop critical thinking and decision-making skills that help you to solve problems in the face of clinical challenges.

Your talented and experienced Arts & Sciences (A&S) faculty build courses that support your growth as a professional. For example, your psychology professor at Galen knows you will take what you learn in Developmental Psychology (PSY 2305) and apply it to your work.

As a professional nurse, you may have to spot dose calculation errors or an unexpected lab value. The math and physiology classes you take at Galen help you understand the systematic models behind those numbers, so you can make sense of and resolve deviations from the pattern.

By the time you graduate, you’re equipped to handle the expected and the unusual—like a professional.

Get Immersed in General Education

Explore the range of courses offered in A&S. The knowledge you gain complements and strengthens concepts you learn in your core nursing courses in the ADN and BSN programs.

Example of A&S courses for the LPN/LVN to ADN program include:

  • Human Anatomy & Physiology I, Theory + Lab
  • Human Anatomy & Physiology II, Theory + Lab
  • Microbiology for Health Professionals
  • English Composition
  • College Mathematics
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Applied Ethics
  • Principals of Communication
  • Introduction to Pharmacology
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Introduction to Applied Statistics
  • Fundamentals of Nutrition

For a current list of courses, review the catalog for the nursing program location you plan to attend.

Example of A&S courses for the ADN include:

  • Human Anatomy & Physiology I and II, Theory + Lab
  • Human Anatomy & Physiology II, Theory + Lab
  • Microbiology for Health Professionals
  • English Composition
  • College Mathematics
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Applied Ethics

For a current list of courses, review the catalog for the nursing program location you plan to attend.

Example of A&S courses for the three-year BSN program include:

  • Human Anatomy & Physiology I, Theory + Lab
  • Human Anatomy & Physiology II, Theory + Lab
  • Microbiology for Health Professionals
  • English Composition
  • College Mathematics
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Applied Ethics

For a current list of courses, review the catalog for the nursing program location you plan to attend.

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